teaching education

Since 2006 I have taught several tutorials at the university (Introduction to programming, Data structures and algorithms, Information retrieval, Theoretical Physics (Mechanics)). On top of this I have created the open licenses Web Science MOOC on Wikiversity and ran the lecture at the universities masters program. I have created award winning educational videos and an award winning extensions to the mediawiki software. In particular I have taught 5 different self designed courses for highly gifted high school students. Topics were Machine Learning, Web programming, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Hardware programming with the raspberry pi, and an interdisciplinary course on the history of the Internet. I have even taught mathematics, computer science and physics in a German high school. Also I ran a German Youtube Channel with tips on how to fight debt.

In case you want me to hold a seminar on any data science related topic I will be more than happy to talk to you about the topics, duration and date.