Bandpage SEO – The perfect Band website: part1

There are some great resources on the Web about all the technical stuff related to search engine optimization. That is why I will not talk about how to craft your titles, headings and sites structure. This Article is supposed to help you to ask the correct questions and point out the correct goals for your bandpage SEO. The focus will be on keyword research and about how to choose good keywords

Share your Music! but do it the right way!

In this article I explain how a music band in my opinion should react to all those illegal downloads on the Internet. First of all it is important to understand that no one will be able to change the people and make them stop downloading music on the Web and start buying records again. After Napster went down people found new ways of sharing music. So the question is not: “How to fight illegal downloads?” but rather “How to make the best out of them?”

How to download Wikipedia

Wikipedia is an amazing data set to do all different kinds of research which will go far beyond text mining. The best thing about Wikipedia is that it is licensed under creative common license. So you are allowed to download Wikipedia and use it in any way you want. The articles have almost no spelling …

IBM's Watson & Google – What is the the difference?

Recently there was a lot of news on the Web about IBM’s natural language processing system Watson. As you might have heard right now Watson is challenging two of the best Jeopardy players in the US. A lot of news magazines compare Watson with Google which is the reason for this article. Even though the algorithms behind Watson and Google are not open source still a lot of estimates and guesses can be made about the algorithms both computer systems use in order to give intelligent answers to the questions people ask them. Based on this guesses I will explain the differences between Google and Watson.

Why blogging about collective intelligence

Collective intelligence is something that particularly on the Internet is very present. Great examples are Wikipedia, Google and most open source projects. Collective intelligence and artificial intellegence is not the same. Future articles about collective intelligence will address, discuss and explain the difference and show how to combine these concepts for maximum benefit.